I Will Never Be A Mother Again

We do this little ditty
in the room with the least privacy
urging the whole world of no one
to interpret what we say when
eyes drip and drop to sleep
and nose hairs rattle snake shake

no i don't trust you but that's not your fault
track records be damned, i seek bravery in the face of a scary duo
gently held for a time, in confidence and organic order

moments like these are the icons of life
the slathering of stimuli, mixed amongst debris and other such
little things to collect, like stamps, or china cups

but sitting in my kitchen, hunting floor tiles
your longer legs twined in mine,
tall above me, watching my synapses fire
in brain matter mostly moist
evincing nothing because
(to be frank) you're no magician
and what you want is to hold my hand and be sung
sweet little diddies to help you sleep soundly and
digest daintily the atrocious actions of days gone by

as though i could write cheesy and epiphantic lines
like bobby dylan riddles, humble and wrecked
but past and proven, just for you

i will never be a mother again
not for you not for her not for him not for no one.